Story Time

Story Time

2022 Preschool Story Hour Winter Spring Story Time with Ms. Veda Don’t forget that there are STORY HOURS for children ages 3 through 2nd grade on Tuesdays at 9:30am.  Ms. Veda has exciting things planned for the children. Check our newsletter for details. Winter Story...
Special Programs

Adult Programs

Geri-fit & Senior Lunch Program for the Winter MONDAY AND THURSDAY at 11 AM!  Please plan on coming in at 11, doing the exercise program with us and then staying for a meal on Monday.   On Thursday, following Geri-fit, you will be invited to join us for our...


Welcome to our new website! This new website was made possible through a 2021 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Public Library Grant secured by the Southeast Kansas Library System (SEKLS), who was instrumental in the coordination of this redesign project and will lead...