Library News
Support Ray of Hope and our community
Sign Up for Cooking Book Club Grades 5-11
June 2022 Newsletter with Summer Schedule
2022 Summer Reading INFO
FEB. 22–PJ’s and Pancakes–5:30-6:30 PM
Sponsored by Parents as Teachers and the library.
Niche Academy is now part of our Library
On the right hand side of our website, you will see a black tab that says Learning. When you click on that link a new screen pops out with tutorials on how to use various programs. BUT, the most exciting thing is that all of our virtual story time programs will be available there, so if you miss one, or are babysitting the grandkids, or just bored, you can click on the link and watch story time with Miss Janet. We will still record on Facebook Live for now and then transfer the files to Niche Academy for archive purposes. Currently this does not require a login, but eventually you will need to login with your card number and phone number just like you do to access our databases. Check it out and let us know what you think. Lots more exciting things to come here in the near future.
January 2022 Newsletter
Welcome to our new website!
This new website was made possible through a 2021 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Public Library Grant secured by the Southeast Kansas Library System (SEKLS), who was instrumental in the coordination of this redesign project and will lead ongoing support for the website maintenance and updates. Special thanks to Robin Hastings and the Northeast Kansas Library System (NEKLS) for website hosting setup, transition, and technical support. Design and web development services were provided by SYZYGY 1 Media.
The Kansas State Library has used Institute of Museum and Library Services ARPA funding to award project grants to public libraries in Kansas to support digital inclusion efforts to enable libraries to reach residents such as through internet hotspots, accessible Wi-Fi, and digital content and related resources, particularly in support of education, health, and workforce development needs; Provide rapid emergency relief to libraries, allowing them to safely respond to the pandemic and implement public health protocols; And support library services that meet the needs of their communities.
Friends – Christmas Fundraiser
Friends of the Library – Christmas Fundraiser
Library District #2 of Linn County - LaCygne
P O Box 127 (Mailing Address)
209 N. Broadway,
La Cygne, KS 66040
► Library Hours
Mon, Wed, Fri: 9:00 - 5:00
Tue, Thu: 9:00 - 6:00
Sat: 9:00 - 12:00